Explore Biodiversity Mapping Solutions
Our data visualisation platform put statistics to work allowing you to look deeper into your site or project level data.
A key advantage of eDNA monitoring is the ability to easily quantify and scale insights into your nature data. That’s why our in-house team of data scientists build custom biodiversity reporting tools with metrics to help you visualise and explore biodiversity change over time. We provide innovative biodiversity mapping solutions that allow you to quickly visualise and leverage eDNA monitoring results, compare surveys or species distributions across sites, gain valuable insights and easily share biodiversity findings with stakeholders.
Unlock the power of eDNA to better model and map biodiversity and uncover insights that help you make better decisions.
- Explore data across your survey area: Map species and statistical insights across multiple surveys to improve understanding of your results. Easily compare sampling seasons with hotspot mapping to visually demonstrate changes over time.
- Gain access to deeper insights: eDNA biodiversity monitoring goes beyond just presence, loss and absence. Our team can provide new insights that enhance your understanding of ecosystem and biodiversity health across different time and spatial scales.
Streamline biodiversity reporting and communication of findings: Our data visualisation platform help you report important critical changes to biodiversity over time and it allows you to report these details with your stakeholders.
A nationwide conservation effort for biodiversity insights
Powered by innovative eDNA technology, The Great Australian Wildlife Search is a world first initiative that enables important biodiversity research and conservation to help map, recover and replenish ecosystems and native species.
The 2023 Spring sampling season partnered with the Murray–Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) to enhance understanding of the types of wildlife in the river system. This data underpins management and permanent restoration activities that will be available for everyone today and into the future.
The Great Australian Wildlife Search by Odonata Foundation in partnership with EnviroDNA, was supported by the Basin Condition Monitoring Program. The program is an Australian Government commitment to deliver new monitoring and reporting of economic, social, cultural and environmental conditions in the Basin.